Oh boy, where do I even begin with this whole “Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology” thing? It’s been a journey, let me tell you.

So, picture this: I was chilling one day, and this idea pops into my head. I wanted to do something, something about, you know, the mind and all that stuff. Then I stumbled upon this journal title, “Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology”. Seemed kinda cool, and I thought, “Why not dive into this?”
First thing I did was try to get a basic feel for what this journal was all about. I started digging around, trying to figure out what they publish. Found out it’s this online thing, started back in 2019. And it wasn’t just any online thing, it’s actually pretty serious with an ISSN and E-ISSN. That was my first “aha” moment, you know? Like, this isn’t some random blog.
Then I got to the meaty part – what do they actually publish? Turns out, it’s a whole mix. We’re talking original research, those deep-dive review articles, case reports, and even letters and debates. And they’re not just focused on one place, it’s about Cyprus, Turkey, and the whole world. Pretty broad, right?
But that wasn’t all. I found out they’re into all sorts of related stuff too, like neurology, pharmacology, social services, and even genetics! That’s when it hit me – this journal is like a melting pot of everything related to the brain and behavior. And who knew they call it KTPP for short, haha!

I spent a good chunk of time just browsing through their stuff on some site called Scilit, I think. They have all these rankings and a list of their publications. Kinda gave me a headache, to be honest, but it was worth it. I also saw that they’ve been publishing three times a year since 2000. That’s some serious dedication, man. They’re not messing around.
After all that digging, I felt like I had a pretty good grasp of what this “Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology” was all about. It’s not just some casual read, it’s a serious platform for experts and scientists to share their work on all things mind-related. And they cover a wide range of stuff, from psychiatry and psychology to a whole bunch of other fields. It took time, but hey, I got there.
It’s been a wild ride, learning about this journal. Definitely opened my eyes to how much is going on in the world of psychiatry and psychology. And you know what? It makes you think. About yourself, about others, about the world. That’s what it’s all about, right? Thinking and learning and growing. But I can’t stop now, there’s still so much to explore in this KTPP thing. So, I guess it is time for me to take further action now.