Okay, so I’ve been thinking a lot lately about going back to school. I’ve always been fascinated by psychology, and the idea of getting a doctorate has been bouncing around in my head for a while now. But, man, the cost is a huge hurdle. So, I decided to finally sit down and figure out just how much this whole thing would set me back.

First, I started with some good old-fashioned internet research. I typed in “doctorate in psychology cost” and scrolled through a bunch of different websites. I saw everything from university program pages to articles breaking down the expenses. It was a bit overwhelming, to be honest.
Then I tried to narrow it down. I focused on developmental psychology because that’s the area I’m most interested in. I found some information that said the average cost for a doctorate in this field is something like $133,340. Whoa. That’s a lot of money.
But that number includes tuition, fees, and even living expenses. So, I dug a little deeper. I started looking at specific programs I might be interested in and tried to find their tuition rates. Some were higher, some were lower, but they were all pretty significant.
I also had to consider that I wouldn’t be able to work full-time while I’m in school. I mean if I did I would be exhausted. So, I started calculating how much I’d need to save up to cover my living expenses for a few years. I made a basic budget, factored in rent, food, bills, and all that fun stuff. Let’s just say it added up quickly. I realized that I could not do it.

After all that, I took a step back and looked at the big picture. Getting a doctorate in psychology is definitely a major financial commitment. It’s not just the tuition, it’s the whole cost of living while you’re studying. I feel like I am going to give up.
Here’s what I figured out:
- Tuition and fees: These vary a lot depending on the school, but it’s a big chunk of the total cost.
- Living expenses: Rent, food, bills, transportation – it all adds up, especially if you’re not working full-time.
- Lost income: This is something a lot of people don’t think about, but if you’re not working, you’re not earning money. That’s a hidden cost.
So, yeah, it’s expensive. But I’m not giving up on the idea completely. I might need to explore some other options, like scholarships, grants, or maybe even a part-time program. It’s a lot to think about, but at least now I have a better idea of what I’m up against. Now I decided to learn a coding language like Python, to see if I can get a better-paid job.