So, today I wanted to mess around with tarot cards. I’ve always been curious about them, you know? I mean, who isn’t? So, I bought a deck a while ago, and it’s been sitting there, collecting dust. Today, I finally decided to give it a go and see what it’s all about. I started by clearing my mind, taking some deep breaths, and trying to focus.

First, I shuffled the cards. Man, I must have shuffled them like a million times! I wanted to make sure they were good and mixed up. I read online that shuffling is crucial because it puts your energy into the cards. Then, I started to think about the questions I wanted to ask.
This part was a bit tricky. I had so many things I wanted to know about, like, my career, my love life, my future. It was hard to narrow it down. I remembered reading somewhere that the questions should be clear and specific. No vague stuff. That’s the only way to get the kind of precise, illuminating, you know. Otherwise, it won’t be helpful. So, I took my time and wrote down a few questions that were really bugging me.
- What steps can I take to advance my career?
- How can I improve my relationship with my partner?
- What should I focus on to achieve my goals this year?
With my questions ready, I started to draw the cards one by one. I laid them out in a simple three-card spread – past, present, future. It’s a classic spread. So, I did a reading for each question, carefully noting down the cards that came up and what they supposedly mean. I had a little guidebook that came with the deck, which helped me interpret the cards. Some of it was pretty straightforward, but other parts were a bit confusing. I had to read and reread the descriptions to get a sense of what the cards were trying to tell me.
For the career question, the cards talked about taking on new challenges and not being afraid to step out of my comfort zone. It actually made a lot of sense. I’ve been feeling a bit stuck lately, so maybe this is the push I need. They suggested that I might need to take some risks, but they would likely pay off in the long run. I wrote down all the insights, even the ones that were a bit unclear.

My Relationship Reading
When I did the reading for my relationship, the cards highlighted the importance of communication and understanding. Again, pretty spot on. We’ve had some communication issues lately. The cards seemed to suggest that things would improve if we made an effort to really listen to each other. They indicated that our current struggles are temporary and that a brighter future is ahead if we work together. I jotted down some ideas on how we could improve our communication, like setting aside time for regular check-ins and actively listening without interrupting.
Focusing on Goals
Finally, for my goals, the cards emphasized the need for focus and determination. They suggested that I might be spreading myself too thin and that I should prioritize my goals. It was a good reminder to stay disciplined. It sounded like I needed to prioritize and focus on what really matters. I made a note to review my goals and eliminate anything that wasn’t truly important. I need to stay determined and not get distracted by less important things.
After I finished the readings, I felt… I don’t know, kind of enlightened? It was a really interesting experience. Even if you don’t fully believe in tarot, it’s a great way to reflect on your life and think about things from a different perspective. I’m definitely going to do this again. Maybe next time, I’ll try a more complex spread. We’ll see! I’m going to keep practicing and see if I can get better at interpreting the cards.