Today, I dived into this thing called a “semi-square” in astrology, I’m going to go ahead and tell you what I did and what I learned today.

So, first, I tried to understand what it is all about. Apparently, it’s when two planets are at a 45-degree angle from each other. Sounds simple, right? I grabbed my notebook and started jotting down stuff.
I went to look at the charts of a few people I know well. I marked down the positions of the planets and looked for those 45-degree angles, I found some semi-squares in their charts. It was a bit like doing a puzzle, trying to find the pieces that fit. There’s a bit of blocked energy between those planets.
After finding those semi-squares, I tried to figure out what they meant. From what I found, I think that this aspect is a bit like a square aspect, but not as intense. It’s like there’s some tension, but it’s not always in your face. It’s more like a little nudge, maybe pushing you to do something or showing you where things are a bit stuck.
Then, I looked at how these semi-squares played out in these people’s lives. I noticed that the tension seemed to pop up more when other planets moved around and aspected these semi-squares. It’s like the semi-square is a quiet thing, but when something else comes along and aspects it, it gets louder.

- Find the semi-squares in the chart.
- Figure out what they might mean.
- See how they play out in real life.
So, I spent the day doing this, going back and forth between charts and what I’ve learned about these people. It’s a slow process, but I like it. It feels like I’m getting to know them and myself a bit better, and it’s interesting to see how these angles in the sky might relate to what happens down here.
In the end, I think these semi-squares are just another part of astrology, something that adds a bit of flavor to the whole picture. They’re not something to freak out about, but they’re worth paying attention to. I think the universe or cosmos is always doing this big dance, and we’re all just trying to keep up with the steps.
I think I will keep doing this and digging deeper. There’s always more to learn, and I’m up for it. After all, it’s all about the journey, right?
My Takeaway
This whole astrology thing is pretty complex, but it’s also super interesting. I’m just going to keep at it, one step at a time. Who knows what else I’ll find?