Okay, here’s my experience with “tarot by janine email”, following your requirements:

So, I’ve been seeing this “Tarot by Janine” popping up all over my social media feeds. Everyone’s talking about her readings, and I gotta say, I was curious. I mean, who isn’t a little intrigued by tarot, right? I’ve always found them a little bit interesting. I decided to give it a shot and see what the hype was all about.
Finding Her Email
First thing I did was try to find her email. And let me tell you this is not an easy thing to find! I mean I searched on her youtube channel in the about section, and found nothing. I kept on searching. Finally, I saw a comment that gave me her email. I saved it to my notes and then moved on.
Shooting My Shot
Next, I drafted an email. I kept it pretty simple, just introduced myself, said I’d been following her work, and asked about getting a reading. I did not know what to expect at all. I’ve never done this before. I wasn’t even sure she offered email readings, but figured it was worth a try. I proofread it like a million times, then finally hit send.
The Waiting Game
Then came the waiting. Ugh, the worst part! I’m not the most patient person, so I was constantly checking my inbox. Days went by and I hear nothing back. I’m thinking okay, maybe she is super busy, or maybe my email got lost in a sea of others. I almost gave up hope. I thought maybe this was not meant to be. I’m not one to give up easily so I sent her a follow up email a few days later. Still, no answer. I’m thinking maybe I should just leave it at this point. But I sent one more email, and guess what? She finally replied!

Getting a Response
She was super nice and apologetic for the late reply. She did not mention why she took so long to respond. She explained her process, and asked me some basic information. It was pretty straightforward. She sent over some instructions on how to pay. She gave me a few options and I picked the one that made the most sense to me. After I sent over the money, I got another email confirming my payment.
The Reading Arrives
A few days later, another email popped into my inbox, and there it was – my reading! It was a PDF document. I was so excited to finally read it! I poured myself a cup of coffee, got cozy on the couch, and opened the file.
My Thoughts
The reading itself was… interesting. It was a general reading, so it covered different aspects of my life – love, career, you know, the usual stuff. Some of it resonated with me, some of it didn’t. She did pick up on a few things that were pretty spot on, which was cool. It wasn’t mind-blowing, but it definitely gave me some food for thought.
Overall Experience
Would I do it again? Honestly, I’m not sure. It was a fun experience, and it satisfied my curiosity. It was not cheap either. But it was not life-changing or anything. I think it’s one of those things that’s worth trying if you’re into tarot, but don’t expect any miracles. It is a cool experience to connect with her in this way though. I still watch her videos though. But if you are looking for an email reading, you might be better off looking elsewhere, just because it takes her a while to respond. If you don’t mind the wait, then it is worth it in the end.