Okay, so I’ve always been curious about tarot cards, you know? Those mysterious cards with all the symbols and stuff. I finally decided to dive in and get a reading while I was in Salem, MA, that place famous for witches and all that spooky history. I figured, why not, right? It’s the perfect place to do it.

First, I looked around for a good tarot reader. Salem has tons of shops with people offering readings. I walked into a few, checked out the vibes, and looked at the prices. I didn’t want to just jump into the first place I saw. I wanted to feel it out and make sure it was a good spot.
After some exploring, I found this little shop tucked away on a side street. It felt cozy and had a good energy. I went in and talked to the woman at the counter. She was super friendly and explained how the readings worked. I decided to go for it and booked a 30-minute session with a reader named Esmeralda.
When it was time for my reading, I went into a small, dimly lit room. Esmeralda was sitting at a table covered with a velvet cloth. The room smelled like incense, which was kind of relaxing. She had me shuffle the deck while thinking about a question I wanted to ask the cards.
I picked a pretty general question, something like, “What do I need to know about my future?” I know, it’s broad, but I was curious to see what the cards would say. Esmeralda then laid out the cards in a spread—I think it was called the Celtic Cross? She started explaining what each card meant in its position and how it related to my question.

The Reading
Here’s where it got interesting:
- The Past: She pulled a card that she said represented a past challenge I had overcome. It actually resonated with something I went through a few years ago. That part felt on point.
- The Present: The card for my present situation indicated a need for balance and making choices. Okay, that could apply to pretty much anyone, but I could see how it related to my current job situation.
- The Future: This is where it got a little vague. She mentioned potential opportunities and new beginnings, but nothing super specific. It was more about a general sense of optimism and growth.
Honestly, the whole experience was pretty cool. Even if you don’t believe in the magic of tarot, it’s a fun way to reflect on your life and think about your goals. Esmeralda was really good at explaining things in a way that made sense. It felt like I was having a conversation with a wise friend who knew me.
After the reading, I browsed around the shop some more. They had all sorts of crystals, candles, and other mystical stuff. I ended up buying a small amethyst crystal as a souvenir. All in all, getting a tarot card reading in Salem was a memorable experience. I’d recommend it if you’re ever in town and looking for something a little different to do!
It really got me thinking, and maybe there’s something to this whole tarot thing. Or maybe it’s just a fun way to spend an afternoon in a spooky town. Either way, I enjoyed it!