Okay, so, I’ve been messing around with Tarot cards for a while now, mostly just for fun and to see what all the fuss is about. But lately, I’ve been thinking about using them to get some, you know, actual insights into my love life. It’s a mess, honestly, and I’m kind of hoping the cards might shed some light on things. So, I started looking into the kinds of questions you’re supposed to ask Tarot about love.

First, I tried to do this by myself, because I thought it would be easy. I just sat down with my deck, shuffled the cards, and tried to think of a question. But my mind was completely blank! I ended up just staring at the cards, feeling kind of silly.
Then, I figured I’d try to learn from other people’s experience. I spent hours reading articles, and blogs about the “right” questions to ask. I even watched some videos of people doing readings. I jotted down a bunch of questions that seemed interesting, like, “What energy is blocking me from finding love?” and “What do I need to know about my current relationship?”
After I get all of these, I decided to give it a go for real. I lit a candle, put on some chill music, and tried to create a calm atmosphere. I shuffled my deck, focusing on my love life and the questions I had written down.
- “What do I need to work on within myself to attract a healthy relationship?” I asked, pulling three cards. The cards I got were The Hermit, The Star, and The Lovers, but reversed. Honestly, I got a little bit frustrated, because I didn’t know how to interpret this.
- “What are the hidden challenges in my current relationship?” This time I draw only one card. It’s The Tower. And I was like, “Oh, great, just what I needed.” (sarcasm)
- “What is my current partner’s true intention toward me?” I pulled The Five of Wands, the Ten of Cups, and the Knight of Swords, reversed. And I am like, OK, I need more practice for sure.
After a few readings, I started to feel a little bit discouraged. I was hoping for some clear answers, but the cards were, well, not very straightforward. But I guess it’s not supposed to be like a magic eight ball. So I decided to start researching the meanings of the cards, and I also found some great advice on how to interpret them in the context of a relationship.

So, I kept practicing. I started doing readings for myself regularly, focusing on one question at a time. I would write down the question, the cards I pulled, and my initial thoughts about what they might mean.
After a few weeks, I started to see some patterns. It was like the cards were holding up a mirror to my own behavior and beliefs about love. I realized that I was often focusing on the negative aspects of my relationships and that I had some deep-seated fears about commitment. Also, I get to realize that I need to work on my communication skills and be more open to expressing my needs. I don’t even know that I have these problems before I started doing these readings!
My readings are still far from perfect, and I’m definitely still learning. But I feel like I’m finally starting to understand how to use Tarot as a tool for self-reflection and growth in my love life. It’s not about predicting the future or getting easy answers. It’s about understanding myself better and identifying the areas where I need to do some work. I’m actually feeling pretty good about it now. It’s like having a really wise, slightly cryptic friend who’s always there to give you a different perspective on things. I think I’m going to keep at it. Maybe I’ll even start doing readings for my friends, once I get a little better at it. Who knows, maybe I’ll become the go-to Tarot reader in my circle! haha!